Brian Hooker, Polly Tommey expose the truth about the deadly COVID 19 vaccine
The package insert 'was absolutely blank on both sides'
February 26th Vaxxed 3 | Polly Tommey + Brian Hooker, Ph.D. on Daystar TV
(Video link)
Imagine yourself to be a parent who has faithfully vaccinated their children, never questioning the safety of the childhood schedule. What would this conversation do your trust in vaccinations?
On Daystar TV Polly and Brian talked about their personal stories, each having a vaccine injured child and about Vaxxed 3, the documentary that revealed how the COVID 19 vaccine unleased untold injury and death here in the U.S. and around the world.
Brian Hooker, Polly Tommey on Joni Table Talk
The host, Joni Lamb, opened the discussion with a question:
From the COVID pandemic to cover-up, what’s the truth behind vaccines?
Today’s guests join us to share tragic stories of individuals and families that were impacted by vaccine injuries, and they going to expose the shocking realities the mainstream media will never tell you.
Joni introduced her guests, Dr. Brian Hooker and Polly Tommey.
Joni described this as “one of the most controversial topics of our time, vaccines.”
Joni showed the trailer for Vaxxed 3 which had multiple examples of people who were injured by the COVID vaccine.
Dr. Hooker recounted the vaccine injury his son suffered as a child 25 years ago. His son was 15 months old and thriving, and after the three vaccines he received during a doctor visit, he had a fever and high pitch screaming. His fever lasted two weeks and afterwards he lost his 15 word vocabulary, couldn’t make eye contact, and suffered from severe bowel disease.
Brian began investigating vaccines back in 2001 and 2002 and discovered “the CDC was actively covering up the relationship between vaccines and autism.”
At that time he embarked on a twofold mission: to recover his son and warn others.
Talking about explosion in autism, Brian said:
When you see how astounding it is, you know that there is something afoot, that there’s some type of cover-up because you cannot miss autism.
Saying that it is better diagnosis of autism, which is the excuse that we get from the federal government all the time. Missing autism would be like missing a train wreck.
Next Polly described her experience with vaccine injury. She said her son, pre-vaccination, was “great, absolutely perfect, incredibly advanced.”
My son, my second child, I took him in for just the MMR that day. He was 13 months old. That was all that was on the schedule back in that day.
He had the MMR in the morning. By the evening he had this ghastly seizure. Eyes rolling back, all of it you can imagine.
We rushed him into hospital, and they said, it’s a very common reaction to the MMR, very common. He’s going to be fine.
We had 13 months of his life as God intended him to be, the rest is vaccine injury.
He stopped responding to his sister, to us. He didn’t realize we were his parents. . . .
Very medically sick. This horrific high pitch scream, endless diarrhea. He was a very sick little boy, and we couldn’t get any help because everywhere you go, they say you’re crazy.
Then the discussion turned to the stories shown in Vaxxed 3
A single father who believed the COVID vaccine was safe and effective, took his son to get vaccinated, only to experience the unimaginable.
Next was a film clip of Ernest Ramirez who told the story of taking his son in for a COVID vaccine.
We went to get the vaccine, and five days later, after his first dose of Pfizer’s, he died suddenly. He just collapsed. The government denies it. No one wants to admit to the wrongdoing.
I was upset. I got suicidal. The good Lord put me in this path to try and protect those children. So I do this to honor my son. I know he would want me to protect other kids.
Brian said that about 17.6 million people died from the COVID vaccine worldwide and probably about a million just in the U.S.
Joni brought up the fact that hospitals got money if a patient was recorded as having died of COVID.
Brian said,
They would make about a quarter of a million per patient.
They would incentivizing hospitals for these very, very exorbitant therapies. Things that did not work, like remdesivir, like ventilators. And hospitals at that point had been really starved for funds because at the beginning of the COVID lockdowns, they weren’t letting patients into the hospitals. And then when patients finally came to the hospitals, they were starving for money.
And so there were a lot of things that happened that should have never happened.
As they traveled the country with the Vaxxed bus, Polly said they heard the same stories about deaths and injury from the COVID vaccine over and over and over, and they knew they had to make Vaxxed 3.
Joni asked Brian about the COVID vaccine causing myocarditis in young people.
The COVID shot, the spike protein itself, would get out into the circulatory system, and the genetic code then would invade the cardiac muscle directly. It targeted all organs, but when it targeted the cardiac muscle, then that caused an immune attack directly on the cardiac muscle, which resulted in myocarditis.
And those people who had the most healthy, robust immune systems had the most exaggerated response. That’s why you saw it in young adults, especially young adult males and adolescents.
The COVID 19 vaccine eclipsed the injuries that had been reported to the CDC for over 32 years of all other vaccines combined.
We know that the CDC only reports and only captures about one percent of all vaccine injuries, but there were over a million, actually about 1.5 vaccine injuries that were reported to the CDC just for the COVID vaccine.
Joni added that “there’s no way we can know how many actually were.”
Joni then showed a clip of a hospital nurse who revealed that hospitals were falsely reporting patients died from COVID when they didn’t.
She said they were making money by reporting that there were more COVID patients, when they were actually counting the same patients who tested positive day after day.
The more numbers you have, the more positive COVID tests you have, the more money you would get to treat all these cases.
Brian said that the COVID vaccine is on the childhood schedule for babies as young as six months. He revealed that “this was never tested on children.”
The rise of cancer after the COVID shot
It’s everywhere, and oncologists are screaming at the top of their lungs, and they’re seeing a correlation, not with COVID, the virus, but when the vaccine rolled out, an uptick in cancers.
Brian reported that one Department of Defense system showed a 40 percent uptick in cancers starting in 2021.
Panelist Cindy Murdock:
It’s okay for people to question because we’re taught to trust the doctors and the medical system, that they’re for our best interest. They take an oath, but we’re learning that greed and power have overtaken the oath of what’s best for humanity.
So parents and people can question, right? Be informed, ask question about this.
Another panelist asked how health care professionals can be held responsible. Joni brought up informed consent.
Here Brian revealed a shocking detail about the COVID 19 vaccine.
One of the things that was so frustrating was that when you took out the package insert on the COVID 19 vaccine it was absolutely blank on both sides.
There was no informed consent for the COVID 19 shot.
Pfizer knew for their particular shot, within three months of the rollout of the Pfizer shot, there had already been 1,200 people that were killed.
That was only reported to Pfizer, again, a very, very large underestimate.
All of these things were being hidden. All these things were being covered up. They were being sealed.
Only through the efforts of some people like Aaron Siri was this information being exposed to the public.
Brian talked about how the public is now questioning vaccines.
The CDC, the whole pharmaceutical-industrial complex really overplayed their hand with this one, and more and more people are waking up. The compliance for the latest COVID booster is down around 13 percent, which is good news. The bad news is that it’s still out there.
Rachel Lamb Brown talked about how questioning the COVID vaccine has led to people questioning the whole childhood schedule.
Brian told the audience that there are about 70 vaccines in the childhood schedule, including 26 during the first year of life.
Vaccine injuries
Brian brought up autism and vaccines.
It’s not just autism. The CDC would lead you to believe that if vaccines don’t cause autism, they’re safe.
First of all, they do cause autism. And second of all, they’re not safe. They cause asthma. They can cause allergies, especially food allergies. They can cause ADD, ADHD, gastrointestinal issues.
Brian and Polly both said that they had to work hard to address their children’s gut issues from vaccine damage.
The discussion turned to getting an exemption from vaccinations for a child. Brian told parents to find out what the law is in their state.
Even for the casual viewer, this discussion has to raise questions. Can we trust CDC officials? What could vaccines do to my child?
This is when we start to research things for ourselves.
Links for the documentaries:
I watched VAXXED III about 10 days ago, after I re-signed up for CHD. Great film, and I'll share it with those who are ready to see it.
Dr. Hooker was gagged for a decade. The evil doers thought that was enough.
Once the decade passed he published data on the vaccines causing autism especially in black youth. Great to know he is still in the trenches deciphering the details.
The more of us that scream the reality of the Vaxs and Quax (mRNA) the better.