On February 13th Robert Kennedy was on the Ingraham Angle with Laura Ingraham after his swearing in as Secretary of HHS.
VIDEO: RFK Jr.: We're not just in a health crisis, but a spiritual crisis
During the 15 minute clip, Kennedy outlined his vision for HHS.
Laura asked him why he talked about prayer at his swearing in ceremony in the Oval Office.
We’re not just in a health crisis, but we’re in a spiritual crisis. And those things are connected.
Kennedy said Americans have feelings of being alienated and dispossessed. He called this an “existential crisis” for young people.
Seventy-seven percent of our kids can’t qualify for military service. There’s a purposelessness in their lives and no sense of usefulness or effectiveness or connectedness to their communities.
And that drives also the chronic disease epidemic and the epidemic we’re seeing of depression, of suicide, of alcoholism, of drug addiction. I think we have to address all of those things at the same time. . . .
Kennedy called for a change in outlook.
We need to get up in the morning and not think about, what am I going to do to make myself happy today? We have to get up and say, what am I going to do to make myself useful today? . . .
And that paradoxically is ultimately the path to happiness, that connectedness from doing good things, from being of service to others.
Kennedy talked about his experience with addiction and recovery and the need for a spiritual component in life.
Laura referenced a clip of Senator Chuck Schumer criticizing Kennedy as the candidate to head HHS. Schumer obviously prefers the current situation.
Previous HHS secretaries have had a pharmaceutical industry background, have been state health commissioners, have run health systems, have been governors—somebody who has had a background in actually administering the programs that HHS administers.
Which of these qualifications does RFK possess?
You know the answer, none of them.
Laura pointed out that Kennedy didn’t work for the pharmaceutical industry
The qualifications that Senator Schumer is talking about there are the very qualifications that got us to where we are today. These are the people who got us to be the sickest country in the world.
We are 4.2 percent of the world’s population. We buy 70 percent of the pharmaceutical drugs on earth.
We spend two to three times what other countries pay for health care, and we have the worst health outcomes. We literally have the sickest population in the world.
Those are the people who got us there. We do need a break. We need somebody different who can come in and say, I’m going to be a disrupter. I’m not going to let the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry run health policy anymore.
We’re going to turn health policy over to people who are actually concerned with public health.
Laura brought up the conflicts of interest that exist between our health agencies and the industries they regulate.
In HHS, in FDA, CDC and NIH, there are panels that are made up of outside experts who come in and set policies. They set, for example, the food triangle, the food pyramid, the nutrition guidelines, the vaccine guidelines, medical standards of care.
In the past, those people, almost all of them, have severe, severe conflicts of interest, and that’s not good for our country.
Laura asked Kennedy about the things he would change in the food supply.
A lot of what I’m going to do is about radical transparency, about allowing people to understand and empower them with understanding that if you eat that, it may seem cheap, but it’s going to cost you in the long run. You’re going to get diabetes etc.
We have 10,000 additives in our food; the Europeans have 400. Many of the additives that we have are just illegal in Europe.
Kennedy said no one is going to make people eat a healthy diet, but he did call for changing the food stamp program (SNAP) and school lunches because these programs are paid for by the federal government.
Kennedy said he would be working with the Department of Agriculture to change things.
Laura next showed a clip of Dr. Paul Offit on CNN.
Of course [Kennedy’s] going to do everything he can to make vaccines less available and less affordable. He’s about to certainly hurt the vaccine infrastructure in this country, and I think what is about to happen is he is about to join hands with Donald Trump and march together into measlesland.
Kennedy said he isn’t going to take away anyone’s vaccines.
What we’re going to do is give people good science. We don’t have good safety studies on almost any of the vaccines.
Vaccines are the one medical product that is exempt from pre-licensing safety studies.
So I sued HHS a few years ago, in 2018, and I said, show us one study, one pre-licensing study of any of the vaccines that are—72 vaccines that are now mandated for children on the childhood schedule.
After a year of sandbagging, HHS came to the courthouse and handed us a letter saying, yeah, there are no studies.
The only vaccine that is on the childhood study that had a placebo-controlled, double blind trial was the COVID vaccine. None of the other ones have.
That doesn’t mean you have to do that kind of trial now, but you need to know what the risk profile is for these products.
Laura asked Kennedy if the COVID vaccine and the boosters were safe.
We don’t have good data on it, and that is a crime. The fact is that we don’t have a surveillance system that actually works.
The CDC has a surveillance system called the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS], and it’s supposed to pick up injuries, but CDC did a study of that system in 2010, and that study said—this was a published study by CDC—that it captures less than one percent of the vaccine injuries.
That’s inexcusable.
Congress has repeatedly, and the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences have repeatedly ordered CDC to put together a better vaccine adverse—
And we will do that right away.
Laura asked about the number of employees who would be cut during Kennedy’s reorganization of HHS.
What I’m interested in is moving away the people who have made really bad decisions. . . .
If you’ve been involved in good science, you have nothing to worry about. If you care about public health, you got nothing to worry about.
But if you’re in there working for the pharmaceutical industry, then I’d say, you should move out and work for the pharmaceutical industry.
Laura brought up the use of marijuana. Kennedy called for studies.
She asked about abortifacient drugs. Again, Kennedy said they would look into the safety of these drugs.
During the Biden administration, the NIH did something that was inexcusable, which is to tell doctors and patients not to report injuries. That’s not a good policy.
At the end, Laura again congratulated Kennedy and said she’s looking forward to see what happens at HHS.
** In 2010 I wrote about the book, Make an Informed Vaccine Decision-For the Health of Your Child by my wonderful friend, the late Dr. Mayer Eisenstein and Neil Z. Miller.
My story was entitled, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein's New Book Merits Close Attention and it was all about injuries that have been reported to VAERS.
I said this about the book.
Dr. Eisenstein systematically, chapter by chapter, informs the reader about each individual vaccine and the disease it's supposed to prevent. What really shocked me about this approach was that for each and every vaccine, there's a list of life-threatening side effects and safety considerations. At the end of each chapter, under Notes, the reader can find a listing of articles by experts on the damage connected to a particular vaccine that have been published in professional journals. There is a massive amount of research challenging the endless safety claims we're always getting. How could all this expert work exist and yet no one ever brings it up?
Following this, I gave numerous examples of the vaccine injuries that have been reported to VAERS and forgotten, but covered in this book.
It’s time to expose this corrupt system that health officials have hidden away.
Excellent reporting and always so educational to read your substacks. RFK,Jr. is the most intelligent and amazing person we have on our side. Thank you.