Loss of Brain Trust is a website that displays news reports on the continuous decline of children worldwide. The stories I’ve posted go back to January, 2017, and they never stop coming up on my Google News searches.
I can only catalogue a small part of what’s happening, but these stories clearly show how bad things are. In total, I have almost 10,000 stories from over the past eight years.
I see an occasional story from non-English speaking countries, and they mirror what’s happening in the U.S., Canada, Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. Schools around the world are flooded with children who cannot learn as children have always been expected to learn.
Taken individually, the stories on Loss of Brain Trust aren’t alarming, but just a cursory scan of the endless headlines should set off alarm bells.
What is happening to our children, and why don’t authorities want to stop it?
Stories constantly announce increases, and these increases are real.
We’ve had IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) here in the U.S. since 1975. If these children had always been here in these numbers, we would have had to accommodate them over the past 50 years. The numbers would have stabilized, yet today we only see increases.
England passed two similar laws in 1970, but their schools can’t handle the enormous number of special needs students, a number that is always increasing. Clearly more children are disabled.
As concerning as this situation is, what is really hard to understand is the reaction of governments globally. Why are rates of autism and other disabilities at levels no one would have ever imagined just twenty years ago? Why are officials so totally unconcerned about what’s behind the increases?
To answer this I think we all have to accept that the United States is the world leader in health care. I’ve seen statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cited faithfully by the press in countries around the world. The CDC is the trusted source on health and medicine.
For those of us active in the autism community, the CDC has been a continuous source of frustration. Over the past 25 years, as we’ve seen unstoppable increases in the autism rate, the CDC has remained clueless.
Autism is the disorder with no known cause, prevention or cure, yet no official in Atlanta has ever described autism as a “crisis.” “Serious health care concern” is the strongest language any CDC official has ever used in describing what ASD is doing to children.
Somehow, over the last 25 years, we’ve come to accept the fact that our kids are sick and disabled. The solution, as we’re told repeatedly, is early diagnosing and more intervention. More funding will solve the problem. There’s nothing really wrong.
Notice that we have a whole month every April where we pretend autism is something to celebrate. We have blue lights and puzzle pieces on display to show we care, but the real, subtle message is that AUTISM is something we have to learn to live with.
Health authorities are completely baffled over autism. They’ve funded lots of studies leading nowhere. Every increase in the autism rate is credited to better diagnosing, greater awareness, expanded definition. No one at the CDC has ever admitted a true increase. We’re told that their studies aren’t designed to detect that.
The only absolute we all must accept is that their vaccine program is in no way connected to the rise in autism. VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM.
And of course, if vaccines don’t do bad things like cause autism, they’re not the reason so many kids today have ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, ODD, OCD, seizures, asthma, allergies and diabetes.
Normalizing autism by calling it just one form of neurodiversity is meant to deflect from this controversy. Getting the medical community and the media to back up this claim has been critical over the past quarter century and the public has bought it. Having a sick or disabled child is now the norm. No one asks why.
Looking for answers
I found a story on February 25th from an education source called, K12 Dive. The title was Special education enrollment climbs to nearly 8M, and the reporter was Kara Arundel.
The information here was very concerning. From 1997 to 2017, twenty years, one million students qualified for special education services under IDEA, but it’s expected that between 2021 and 2025, one million more student will qualify for special education services.
The increase that took 20 years is now happening in five.
More little children are disabled
Additionally, the number of infants and toddlers, ages 0-2, served under IDEA, Part C has been on the rise, increasing by 4.8% from fall 2022 to fall 2023 for a total of 462,847 young children.
Readers were told that this is happening at the same time as an “overall student population decrease.”
Furthermore, Phyllis Wolfram, executive director of the Council of Administrators of Special Education, was cited saying,
“The No. 1 issue that we hear from teachers is dealing with more aggressive behaviors and even more out-of-control behaviors.”
What can explain this?
Arundel said that perhaps this increase is due to the “learning loss and social isolation” associated with COVID.
Maybe it’s “improper identifying students for special education” or “increased screen time.”
The IDEA disability category showing the largest year-over-year increase is autism, with a nearly 10% increase.
After noting the increase in autism, Arundel added this about RFK and his position on autism and vaccines.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the newly confirmed U.S. secretary of health and human services, has been criticized by some for refusing to say vaccines don’t cause autism. At Kennedy’s swearing-in ceremony Feb. 13, President Donald Trump, citing the CDC data about the prevalence of autism in children, said, “Who can believe that? There’s something wrong. There’s something wrong, and I think it’s something that can be found out.”
Including this reference to RFK clearly showed the controversy isn’t going away.
Enough is enough
This can’t continue. Robert Kennedy noted during his hearings for HHS secretary, that 77 percent of American youth can’t qualify for the military.
We have an autism rate that worsens every couple of years. One in 36 today is sure to be out-of-date soon, most likely in April this year. Officials are never asked when the increases will stop.
Stories from Loss of Brain Trust reveal the financial cliff local governments are on if things don’t get turned around.
In the U.S., school districts are starting to panic over the rising costs of special needs students. ABA clinics are being built everywhere to accommodate the growing need. State budgets are under huge strain from the soaring cost of ABA therapy for children on Medicaid.
Across Ireland, increasing numbers of children are left without a place in special schools that, we’re told, are currently way oversubscribed.
Throughout England, local councils are spending millions building special schools in order to save the greater expense of sending high needs students out of their local area. Despite this, half of England’s local councils face bankruptcy by 2026 due to the high cost of special ed.
The English government spends 13 billion a year on special ed, but it falls vastly short of what’s needed.
There are over 130,000 children in England alone on waitlists to get an autism diagnosis in order to qualify for special services in school.
The highest official autism rate in the world is in Northern Ireland at one in every 20 children, one in every 12 boys. Ireland and Scotland are not far behind. In California, it’s one in 22 children, one in 14 boys.
In Canada, local school boards are struggling to cover the cost of high needs students.
Recently I’ve found more and more foreign stories that appear on Google News, stories about the growing impact of disabled children beyond the English speaking world.
The reality is the same. Special ed numbers are soaring in places like Kosovo, Greece, the Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Pakistan, Guyana, Turkey, Malaysia and Nepal.
And because of the prominence of our CDC around the world, many of these countries have bought into their absurd claim that this is all due to GREATER AWARENESS.
Sadly, many of these places are among the poorest countries on earth. It is unlikely that they can provide the help these children need.
When we become desperate for answers
These increases simply can’t continue. Eventually the cover-up will be exposed, but by then the numbers will have caused social services and education systems to implode everywhere.
Imagine the future when millions of these disabled students leave school. What services will there be for adults if governments can’t adequately educate them? What happens when parents are no longer able to care for them?
I believe we will all soon wake up to the truth about what’s been happening children. The entire world has been led to believe that injecting children with more and more vaccines will save them from disease without any dangerous side effects. However what we’re seeing contradicts that myth. Injecting known toxins and dangerous viruses into babies and small children in truth sets them up for worst health outcomes the world has ever seen.
There is nothing in human history to compare to what’s happened. Under the leadership of the United States, children across the world have been damaged, many severely. Even if this were stopped today, the impact would be felt for decades to come.
A number of years ago, a prolific writer in the autism community called what’s been happening, the Great Poisoning—the mass exposure to toxic chemicals that has left millions of children and young adults disabled for life. It seems to me that this label perfectly describes how history will record what’s been done to children.
How will the world response when we finally stop pretending that nothing is wrong and that increases in sick kids can go on forever?
How could this have happened with the willing participation of the medical community and under the direction of the most advanced health care system in the world?
and yet the corporate media has people loosing their minds over measles.
the continued cognitive dissonance is deafening.
never mind that chronically ill children are the norm... and we've 'always had' this many developmentally disabled people, we just never noticed them or had to educate them before.
but, but, but, M E A S L E S... we're all gonna DIE
Impf-Friedhof: Was das Volk, die Sachverständigen und die Regierungen vom „Segen der Impfung“ wissen. Erstmalig in Lateinischer Schrift. Paperback – 10 Nov. 2022
by Hugo Wegener (Autor), Yean Borin (Mitwirkende)
And on and on the cover up goes...t'is all about control of the herd, the right to experiment on the herd and ofcourse follow the money, t'was never about human health or animal health for that matter, the animals suffer a lot as well due to these poisons, Grüß Gott.