thank you for this important information

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I was a school nurse in 2010 when there was an increase in Pertussis. Consequently it was recommended that Dtap be given instead of Td. We were told pregnant women should get it to pass along Pertussis protection to their baby. Grandparents and/or the babies care givers were strongly advised to get it as well. I was red-pilled during C19. I'm horrified we have done this to the patients we cared for so much. One last observation. When I started school nursing in 1994, 12 of us served nearly 30K students in 53 buildings. The number of recommended and mandatory vaccines increased as did the percentage of students with chronic conditions. Now there is a nurse in every building and extra nurses to help the largest schools.

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The good news is more medical professionals like yourself are speaking out!

Here is Dr. Suneel Dhand.

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