A spectacular synopsis of all the lies that have been told about autim for decades and so concise and complete. Brava to Anne for this substack. It's really sickening to have to read all this, bringing back memories of countless lies over the years by both professionals and mainstream media. We know who needs to read all this, don't we?

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Well, in about two months, just before Autism Awareness Month, I look forward to even better diagnosing when the rate is updated!

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Anne, yes put new people in charge in every aspect of the CDC. I can't express what should be done to the people who covered up the autism epidemic every way they could.

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Anne and I were told (2006) that all in the upper echelon of government who want to know whether vaccines cause autism already knew but would do nothing about it. This is a quote from a Congressman's senior Health Advisor. We were told the reparations would bankrupt the treasury.

We were trying to get legislation that would mandate 3rd party payers cover the cost of treating autism. The same Congressional aide said we would never see the words autism and treatment together in the same Bill. He said it would become very clear that what we were treating was vaccine encephalopathy and not this made up meaningless word - autism. He said that would not be allowed.

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This is criminal. RFK Jr. has spoken about the dangers of childhood vaccines, and I have read the well-researched book "Unavoidably Unsafe" and consider the rise in autism rates to qualify as an emergency. It really is sickening to think what the health community is doing to our children.

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These people can no longer be in charge. They have failed our kids for too long.

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question remains for these morons and their media enablers: if they are SO GOOD at diagnosis NOW, why aren't they diagnosing all the ones they say they 'missed' over the past 30 yrs?? if a child didn't get diagnosed at age 4 or 5, then they just don't exist?? its not possible to diagnose age 8 or 10 or 12... wait! I thought you guys were so much better at it! so where are they?

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Brilliant question! What about all the kids they missed? What about all the adults who have nowhere near the current rate?

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its the million dollar question, is it not? yet no one has ever asked it of all that procession of CDC heads. so you guys are saying that all these wonderful peds can ONLY dx 4 yr olds? they can't spot say, a 12 yr old in diapers who doesn't speak???

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These clinicians are just snakes circling with their tails in their mouths!

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Looks like there is a typo in sub-head: "20221, one in every 44 children has autism (one in 27 boys)"

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Thanks...much appreciated!

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January 25, 2025

_______ ________ , Governor of _____

Office of the Governor

123 East Locust Street, 3rd Floor

Capitol City, State _____

Esteemed Governor __________,

Greetings and Salutations !

I and my grandchildren are losing an uphill battle against some of the policies and technology in use by the elementary schools in this State.

These are factually egregious matters, and I ask you to personally intervene:

1. Somehow, effectively prohibit the elementary school "teachers" from rewarding the students with *Skittles* and other similar chemical candies for "good behavior". These industrial concoctions can and do have deleterious effects on the metabolism of very young children.

2. Have water heaters installed at the wash basins in the class rooms for use by the children. At present the basins supply only cold water, and during the winter this produces an aversion to hand washing. And subsequently the children are unable to remove the "anti-bacterial" lotions and soap provided by the school district. The accumulation of "these anti-biotics" on the hands of babies leads to a breakdown in the function of the dermas which leads to other more complicated problems.

3. Prohibit the teachers from expressing their personal opinions in the class room regarding matters political. They should also be prohibited from talking about their personal challenges with sexual and gender identity. In place of that they could substitute: reading, writing and arithmetic.

Sincerely and respectfully,

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