Prior to the 1940s vaccines didn't have the adjuvants (chemicals toxins) and the preservatives (chemicals toxins) they have today.
These chemicals and toxins are injected straight into your blood stream/cell line. It's all in the adjuvants people. They cause full body system inflammation they destroy your gut microbiome, they cross the blood brain barrier.
Everyone who has one, their body has an adverse reaction, everyone.
It's just the luck of the draw whether you recover. Some people die within hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades.
Every reaction can vary too, anaphylaxis, autism, MS, MND, chronic fatigue, cancer, stroke, heart attack, there's hundreds.
Parents don't want to believe it because they unfortunately made that choice.
I agree. There have been so many times when I’ve been absolutely crushed by the cover-up, but this is a new day. Things have never been like this before.
Not to be a downer, but in Dissolving Illusions, there's the story of the city of Leicester. So fed up with the obvious side effects and uselessness of the smallpox vax, they bucked the powers of the day and stopped jabbing. Over the coming decades public health improved in the city and no warned-of outbreak of pox.
Unfortunately, the power wasn't broken. The story is forgotten, 130 years later.
They don't want to apply the scientific method because it would reveal them as complicit. There are huge numbers of parents whose minds would snap forever if they knew their family doctor's ignorance (along with their own naivete) was the reason their child will always remain mentally frozen at age 12, age 6, or 6 months old. It isn't easy to face your own culpability in
your kid's handicap and it takes a very strong person to look at it squarely. Many of them are simple, kind, sweet people and could never cope with the idea of their own ignorance being so monstrous and devastating. Add to that the reality of the monsters of unearned wealth jerking the medical professional's puppet strings -- that's another reality they cannot bear to contemplate. They don't want to believe their doctor is on the take and that their hospital administrator looks the other way when children are harmed or killed so some already rich bunch of elite jerks can live in ever more obscene luxury.
we deal with this parental guilt on a very regular basis in my autism support group. parents of newly dx kids have to be talked down off the emotional ledge by us OG parents. 'you didn't know. you were lied to. maybe you can consider that your doctor was lied to as well.'
since we are primarily a biomedical treatment support group (with a wide range of knowledgeable veteran mommas) we also deal with parents that think they can hand their child over to a 'specialist' and say 'fix them'. (uh, no.) or that if they 'try biomed' for 6 months and their child isn't 'recovered' yet, they might as well just drug them down, at the advice of same ped who jabbed them. hard to believe it but even AFTER finding out the primary cause of dx, they still go back to same ped!! too frustrating and sad.
Thank you for this. It is my belief that this collective emotional reckoning is building like a thunder cloud. To my mind, it’s going to take at least 50 to 100 years to fully form, but as I always say, I could be wrong and timing is never one of my prognostication strong points. When it does fully form, I believe the outrage of so many parents who have been deprived a normal experience with their children will essentially form its own egregor and astral pyramid. This "entity" will be powerful enough to spawn new laws and potentially new religions. I do not believe these new laws and religions will be friendly to anyone involved in the kind of Pharmakeia that yielded the current crop of autistic and handicapped children and adults.
Vaccine Companies should be made fully liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries Then they would be forced to do proper trials I know a young Mum 15 years ago didn’t get her daughter vaccinated till she was 2 years old After having the MmR vaccine she had a high fever and convulsions She went from a happy chatty little child to not talking and becoming very unhappy and angry
She was months later diagnosed with Autism and the mother was convinced it was the vaccine Back then there was alot of Autistic children it was as if it was a pandemic and becoming the norm All the mothers said at the time it was the vaccines and that before the MMR vaccine there were less cases In Germany 15 years ago some parents were paying to have the vaccines given as separate shots instead of 3or 4 all in one vaccine because many children had become very sick and suddenly high numbers of Autism developed The vaccine industry are only interested in making a profit They have a license to kill and this needs changing asap in my opinion
This also comes from the total disregard of what autism is doing to children. We have a whole month (April) where we pretend that autism is something to celebrate. INSANE.
•"How to End the Autism Pandemic," (2018) by J.B. Handley. Written by a loving father with a son on the autism spectrum. I found hard-copy and audible versions of the book available in my local public library.
• “Rising Autism Rates Economic and Societal Costs,” (2024). Video discussion includes Catherine Austin Fitts and Toby Rogers,
Critical thinking skills are at an all time low and will worsen with the pre-programmed fake intelligence systems. See the website of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt who wrote The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America decades ago.
"Vaxes don't cause autism. The timing is wrong, they were around 200 yrs ago..."
Oh, in 1800 did Dr Jenner cut and scrape into the arms of random peasants a goo made of goat pus AND ALUMINUM?
The way all these credentialed experts make such obvious errors in logic and reasoning-- and the jounralists who never point it out with a followup question. It's almost as if these supersmarties had some reason to rationalize it all away. Some rea$on.
the British dad was featured in the article precisely because of his views that vaccines are not complicit. if he felt differently, they never would have written about him & his family.
the corporate media is desperate to slap down any/all curiousity about the 'cause' of autism, to the point that I heard some try to say that RFK jr stating that it used to be '1 in 10k', was a number he just made up out of thin air. the person insisted that it has NEVER been that low of an incidence. isn't that convenient. :( so if you cannot attack the increase from one end, attack it from the other end??
It's the vaccines. Christopher Steven's open fear has convinced me even more.
There's even a cure but that would require they admit they caused everything.
Prior to the 1940s vaccines didn't have the adjuvants (chemicals toxins) and the preservatives (chemicals toxins) they have today.
These chemicals and toxins are injected straight into your blood stream/cell line. It's all in the adjuvants people. They cause full body system inflammation they destroy your gut microbiome, they cross the blood brain barrier.
Everyone who has one, their body has an adverse reaction, everyone.
It's just the luck of the draw whether you recover. Some people die within hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades.
Every reaction can vary too, anaphylaxis, autism, MS, MND, chronic fatigue, cancer, stroke, heart attack, there's hundreds.
Parents don't want to believe it because they unfortunately made that choice.
I sincerely think all this will be revealed very soon
I wish I had your optimism, Anne. we're been disappointed before. more than once. I'm not holding my breath. but still hopeful I suppose.
I agree. There have been so many times when I’ve been absolutely crushed by the cover-up, but this is a new day. Things have never been like this before.
Not to be a downer, but in Dissolving Illusions, there's the story of the city of Leicester. So fed up with the obvious side effects and uselessness of the smallpox vax, they bucked the powers of the day and stopped jabbing. Over the coming decades public health improved in the city and no warned-of outbreak of pox.
Unfortunately, the power wasn't broken. The story is forgotten, 130 years later.
Maybe it’s time to bring back all those forgotten stories.
let's call it 'guardedly optimistic'. every person who is woken up to this is one more person than we had yesterday :)
And once you wake up to what’s going on, you never sleep again.
They don't want to apply the scientific method because it would reveal them as complicit. There are huge numbers of parents whose minds would snap forever if they knew their family doctor's ignorance (along with their own naivete) was the reason their child will always remain mentally frozen at age 12, age 6, or 6 months old. It isn't easy to face your own culpability in
your kid's handicap and it takes a very strong person to look at it squarely. Many of them are simple, kind, sweet people and could never cope with the idea of their own ignorance being so monstrous and devastating. Add to that the reality of the monsters of unearned wealth jerking the medical professional's puppet strings -- that's another reality they cannot bear to contemplate. They don't want to believe their doctor is on the take and that their hospital administrator looks the other way when children are harmed or killed so some already rich bunch of elite jerks can live in ever more obscene luxury.
This is the reality that parents will have to face.
we deal with this parental guilt on a very regular basis in my autism support group. parents of newly dx kids have to be talked down off the emotional ledge by us OG parents. 'you didn't know. you were lied to. maybe you can consider that your doctor was lied to as well.'
since we are primarily a biomedical treatment support group (with a wide range of knowledgeable veteran mommas) we also deal with parents that think they can hand their child over to a 'specialist' and say 'fix them'. (uh, no.) or that if they 'try biomed' for 6 months and their child isn't 'recovered' yet, they might as well just drug them down, at the advice of same ped who jabbed them. hard to believe it but even AFTER finding out the primary cause of dx, they still go back to same ped!! too frustrating and sad.
Thank you for this. It is my belief that this collective emotional reckoning is building like a thunder cloud. To my mind, it’s going to take at least 50 to 100 years to fully form, but as I always say, I could be wrong and timing is never one of my prognostication strong points. When it does fully form, I believe the outrage of so many parents who have been deprived a normal experience with their children will essentially form its own egregor and astral pyramid. This "entity" will be powerful enough to spawn new laws and potentially new religions. I do not believe these new laws and religions will be friendly to anyone involved in the kind of Pharmakeia that yielded the current crop of autistic and handicapped children and adults.
I think voices will be speaking out at warp speed once things are exposed.
Vaccine Companies should be made fully liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries Then they would be forced to do proper trials I know a young Mum 15 years ago didn’t get her daughter vaccinated till she was 2 years old After having the MmR vaccine she had a high fever and convulsions She went from a happy chatty little child to not talking and becoming very unhappy and angry
She was months later diagnosed with Autism and the mother was convinced it was the vaccine Back then there was alot of Autistic children it was as if it was a pandemic and becoming the norm All the mothers said at the time it was the vaccines and that before the MMR vaccine there were less cases In Germany 15 years ago some parents were paying to have the vaccines given as separate shots instead of 3or 4 all in one vaccine because many children had become very sick and suddenly high numbers of Autism developed The vaccine industry are only interested in making a profit They have a license to kill and this needs changing asap in my opinion
This also comes from the total disregard of what autism is doing to children. We have a whole month (April) where we pretend that autism is something to celebrate. INSANE.
If you’re still wondering if toxic shots and other environmental toxins cause autism, then here are three resources you may find helpful:
• “The Political Economy of Autism,” (2021), by Toby Rogers,
•"How to End the Autism Pandemic," (2018) by J.B. Handley. Written by a loving father with a son on the autism spectrum. I found hard-copy and audible versions of the book available in my local public library.
• “Rising Autism Rates Economic and Societal Costs,” (2024). Video discussion includes Catherine Austin Fitts and Toby Rogers,
Thank you for these. Toby Rogers is a real hero.
Critical thinking skills are at an all time low and will worsen with the pre-programmed fake intelligence systems. See the website of Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt who wrote The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America decades ago.
Will check it out, thanks.
"Vaxes don't cause autism. The timing is wrong, they were around 200 yrs ago..."
Oh, in 1800 did Dr Jenner cut and scrape into the arms of random peasants a goo made of goat pus AND ALUMINUM?
The way all these credentialed experts make such obvious errors in logic and reasoning-- and the jounralists who never point it out with a followup question. It's almost as if these supersmarties had some reason to rationalize it all away. Some rea$on.
the British dad was featured in the article precisely because of his views that vaccines are not complicit. if he felt differently, they never would have written about him & his family.
the corporate media is desperate to slap down any/all curiousity about the 'cause' of autism, to the point that I heard some try to say that RFK jr stating that it used to be '1 in 10k', was a number he just made up out of thin air. the person insisted that it has NEVER been that low of an incidence. isn't that convenient. :( so if you cannot attack the increase from one end, attack it from the other end??
Right, the cause has to be anything but vaccines. Even if they admit there is an actual increase in autism, they bend over backward, denying any link.