I always went with the "living too close to freeways explanation(kidding). The voting is a huge conundrum. If Trump is elected, we better pray he supports RFK,Jr. fully. I could never vote for someone who says-"Get you Covid vaccines and save lives.

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Can we call it what it is instead of what it is not? Autism... a made up name.

Vaccine encephalitis - now that describes what it is instead of what it is not.

Once we start calling it by its correct name maybe after the collapse that is coming we might be able to get spectrum kids the treatment they require.

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Sep 18Liked by Anne Dachel

Look to Kennedy for influence and action on this front. Vote Trump.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

I find it ironic no one wants to be reminded how Trump donated millions to autism related to non profits such as Generation Rescue and Autism Speaks to help them launch their efforts to focus on research, education and to solve these great challenges and to get over hurdles from government agencies. One of the great organizations Trump has funded in recent years is the Autism Healthcare Collaborative, a large organized group of doctors and specialists focused on many of the biomedical aspects of autism. For people to imply he has done nothing is factually incorrect. He did sign the bill that is still to this day the largest appropriation of funds by the federal government to autism. I find it very troubling to hear the nonsense about "If Trump wants our vote he needs to do X, Y and Z " There is a clear choice in November on what presidential candidate would be able to lead better on autism and most other issues. PICK ONE !

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