Jun 17Liked by Anne Dachel

For your view of the future to come to pass, everyone who wants a better world needs to stand up and make a LOT OF NOISE! Everyday and everywhere and all the time!! And not give up until it happens.

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Every sewage treatment plant must be immediately reconfigured into a refinery.

By means well known and technology that is literally on the shelf at this moment in time right now, the black water can be converted into a light oil similar to diesel and used to power the process and the residual detritus of heavy metals can be sold to scrap dealers.

This will eliminate a source of chronic and serious pollution and help us to clean up the environment with out adding any new taxes or disruptive technology in order to do it.

The exact same thing can be done with garbage dumps where all trash is ground up and sorted into its component molecules and used to power the process or be sold off to the highest bidder.

Oh yeah, and the next time the nuclear regulatory agency has some highly toxic radioactive waste to get rid of… instead of burying it below the Edwards Aquifer in Austin, Texas, where admittedly the *environmentalists* had no objection to or for, it could be put on to a cheap rocket and recycled directly into the Sun.

If we could just get the godless monsters off of our backs we really could make a paradise here on Earth.

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