This is a huge moment.


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Redfield sounds like he just landed here from Mars. He must hope we all forget how he was head of one of the “captured agencies.”

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Jimmy Dore: “He’s just getting ahead of the brick wall. “

“He knows it’s coming down.”

I want to see how many more officials suddenly notice how sick our children are!

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We all have our come to Jesus moments, but this man (ultimately) is two faced. He had a perfect chance to educate himself about masks... it was no secret they would not fend off a tiny virus, etc. He should have known better and yet obviously, he said and did things to be one of the group of traitors that inflicted COVID on us... I am glad he is talking sense... better late than never, but he has no credibility at this point.

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I don’t remember Redfield noticing how sick and disabled our children are when he headed the CDC.

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